The ImpSec officer ignored them both, and turned to give a polite salute to Aunt Vorthys, whose eyes widened only briefly.
Putting on what he hoped was one of his most wide-eyed and naive expressions, he took the hand Caitrin extended and brushed the knuckles with his lips in polite salute.
Xanten performed a polite salute.
Hetty raised her hand in polite salute, suppressing the smile on her lips.
At Silver's polite salute he somewhat flushed.
The disks serve also as gravity deflectors, and are used commonly in personal flight Dr. Jones made me a polite salute, and seated himself upon an invisible cushion of anti-gravity.
Julius wondered if the two men ever considered the enmity of their fathers behind their polite salutes.
He was a tall, heavy-built almost surly type who spoke no English; all I could do was listen patiently, smile, and offer a small but polite salute on departure.
"Sorry, sir," answered the lieutenant, with a polite salute, "but we cannot off-load any cargo until we receive approval from customs."
Tamurello, in the same guise as of the night before, halted and gave Shimrod a polite salute.