Matt replied with polite evasions, which were unsatisfactory.
She thought about some polite evasion, a white lie denying any dreams.
My own will stand a few polite evasions when another person's feelings can be saved without damage to anyone.
His leading questions about the bioengineered parasites met polite evasion, and then Miles wondered if she were physician—or ordnance designer.
Now is the time for speaking the blunt truth, not polite evasion.
"Speak clearly and regardless of polite evasion," commanded Wang Ho.
Go Gi, with polite evasion, said that he wished to disclose it personally to the Chanyu.
Weintre, I really don't have time for polite evasions.
There was no time for equivocation, for polite, diplomatic evasions.
Previous attempts to gain biological information about the Ryol had been met with polite but persistent evasion.