Yet if he couldn't get any more reaction out of the reporter than polite deference, what kind of a witness could he be?
After a while, oppressed by polite deference, Yama went out to watch the soldiers drilling in the slanting sunlight, and that was where Ananda found him.
He turned with polite deference to Mavis Weld.
Hard's polite deference was new, and his bland assumption that she could have no part in their talk was a somewhat distasteful surprise.
When of the this other boy spoke, there was no trace normal, polite customer-service deference in his "Geo, what's the damned holdup?"
Michaele was not known for polite deference to either Hunters or huntbrothers, although he was still quite capable when it came to the politics of the Ladies.
From day to day, the colonists treated me with a certain polite deference, as befitted my age-I conceded!
Retiring by American standards, Mr. Ji projects a polite deference that plays well in China.
In contrast, Mr. Barak's schedule appears to show polite deference.
This is no time for polite deference to the powerful.