The lake's bed was white, like bone; clean and polished and flat, like something made by men.
"It looks like clean, polished bone," Robertson said.
A whitefood skeleton over every landowner's guest gate, a great archway of clean polished white bone.
They stood in a silent half circle around the neat pile of polished bones.
Then they closed quickly and tightly, and even in that dim light the knuckles shone like the little polished bones.
Figures fell out of its limbs, flesh melting like wax, polished bones shining through liquid skin, eyes boiled blind.
He straightened the polished bones of his breastplate and slapped the dust off his leggings.
He gingerly touched his right cheek, his fingertips making a whispering sound against the hard polished bone.
Wrinkling her nose, she held up a two-inch, jointed piece of polished white bone.
Hundreds of sharp teeth shone bright as polished bone.