With his speech, Mr. Bush aligned himself with a group of foreign policy thinkers who have started to ask whether traditional arms control agreements are suited to the post-cold-war era.
It was a great way to bring together developer and user experience expertise with policy thinkers in government.
The two men are ideologically poles apart, but perhaps Obama sees a bit of himself in a young, substantive policy thinker.
For all the trappings of power and influence, however, James Chace was a most unlikely "foreign policy thinker."
His acidic commentary is characteristic of the view of a growing number of historians, foreign policy thinkers and columnists from some of the nation's top newspapers.
FPI briefings bring the experience and expertise of Washington's leading foreign policy thinkers to policymakers, opinion leaders, members of Congress, candidates, and their staffs.
Still, many Democratic policy thinkers are beginning to embrace the Rodrik argument that trade and social programs must be intertwined.
The challenges of influencing the teaching process, though, have not dissuaded school board members and policy thinkers from painting the existing options for teachers in broad, almost cartoonish terms.
Membership on the panel also gives foreign policy thinkers in the Democratic Party a stake in a victory by the vice president in November.
Henry Kissinger, perhaps the most influential of post-war foreign policy thinkers, recently warned against further European integration.