Europe's World is an independent policy magazine established on 4 October 2005 by the organization along with 50 leading European think tanks.
But the movie may also add some sparkle to the small, wonkish policy magazine.
American Outlook is an American quarterly public policy magazine that discusses the pressing issues of current events.
American Prospect , Nov. 23 The liberal policy magazine switches from a quarterly to a glossy biweekly.
I've read several interviews with Greg Clark - including some excellent coverage in major public policy magazines.
"A year and a half ago there was a push for reforms," said Patrick Clawson, editor of Orbis, a foreign policy magazine.
The association also publishes two outreach publications, an online policy magazine called Choices, as well as a more timely online publication called Policy Issues.
His father, who was the Governor of Delaware from 1977 to 1985, is the editor of Intellectual, an on-line public policy magazine.
A series of policy magazines titled Futures were published in 1997 as the group tried to stem falling membership.
By the late 1990s Hayden joined the board of Quadrant, a well-known Australian monthly cultural and public policy magazine.