Broadly speaking, the policies advocated by the Republicans who control Congress would give New York less money for Medicaid but more leeway over how states can spend it.
Our African policy has advocated political reconciliation and negotiated solutions.
These policies may not necessarily espouse a Pan-Arab ideology, but rather advocate the country's territorial integrity including Kuwait and Khuzestan.
Gorman claimed that policies advocated by WAAKE-UP!
The tone of the early Review was temperate and the policies advocated modest.
The party's best known policy was advocating an devolved English parliament.
Grant's innovative "Peace" policy advocated Native American citizenship and education.
This policy has been courageously and insistently advocated for over fifteen years, and has been triumphant for perhaps ten years.
Proponents claim the plan will bring efficiency with less waste and fraud; detractors complain the policy has been a "disaster" and advocate for a community-based efforts instead.
His supply-side economic policies, dubbed "Reaganomics", advocated reducing tax rates to spur economic growth, controlling the money supply to reduce inflation, deregulation of the economy, and reducing government spending.