The two policemen shook hands with them and left Wolf and Ed Eagle standing on the sidewalk.
When he woke again, a policeman was shaking him roughly.
The policeman, happy for the family, shakes the Tramp's hand and leaves, before the woman welcomes the Tramp into her home.
A sneeze was heard from within the mass of guarded freight, and the policemen shook hands with each other.
The policeman gravely shook his head.
He did not give the impression of physical power, but when the two policemen shook his hand they found a grip like a vice.
One policeman shook his fist in impotent fury while the other, slightly more intelligent, wrote down the registration number of the vanishing vehicle.
The policeman sighed and shook his head.
Rosemary glanced at Templeton and started to go after her, when the policeman shook his head.
The policemen looked at one another, and shook their heads.