As it happened, two policemen were passing by.
Several policemen were running around, passing on messages and receiving orders, and she could tell by their manner that there was some confusion among them.
A policeman passed Joe a slip of paper, stating that he had found it in the unconscious man's pocket.
TWO minutes after the policeman had passed the corner, a hunched figure stepped from the shelter of an elevated post.
A policeman passes by and the attack degenerates into a shootout in the street.
The policeman noted the registration number of the vehicle and passed it to the Kos police dealing with the investigation.
A policeman had passed by the bottom of the wall.
A roadside bomb exploded as the policemen passed in a convoy of buses.
Moreover, if a policeman should pass by, would he not be able to recognise picklocks a hundred yards away?
Then all noises receded as the policeman passed his position and ran on towards the road.