And the local police issued weapons to white police reservists called up ostensibly to help with the elections.
During the Persian Gulf war of 1991, 225 police reservists were called up, he added.
Tudjman, whose representative had signed the statement, said that the disarming of police reservists was "out of the question" and that Croatia would not hold talks with "terrorists".
Word came that a woman who was a Protestant police reservist had been killed in an I.R.A. attack.
He lived with his father Franklin Woodmansee, a police reservist, on Schaeffer Street in the village of Peacedale.
However, tensions were again heightened on Oct. 19 by reports of a general mobilization of Croatian police reservists.
Reservist Medal (2003- ) - for 5 years service as a police reservist.
President Boris Trajkovski of Macedonia on Friday rejected an initiative to demobilize armed police reservists who have taken part in battling the rebels.
"If they want to do a job, they must do it as a police reservist."
Came back and I said, 'Are you a police reservist or something?'