In the late 19th century, the modern regulatory state was developing and the "scope of police regulation" was broadened.
In 1346, the episcopal Viztum and the citizenry collectively wrote the police regulations.
In 1775 he did away with guilds and moved the grain trade to a free trade system, removing police regulations.
Since the 1970's, partly because of stricter police regulations on when to shoot, killing of civilians have declined.
It led this week to a proposed set of police regulations with civil liberties implications.
Conduct was strictly regulated, down to details of dress laid down by police regulation.
She later voices her concerns about her position at the department due to interoffice dating with Shawn which is usually against police regulations.
"If necessary, police open-fire regulations could be changed," he added.
The police regulations set the parking scheme as follows:
Because the officer must be armed, under police regulations, a controversy has arisen in Greenwich over his placement in the school.