A large police manhunt is underway today following an incident in Play area last night.
As the object of a police manhunt, it wouldn't be totally surprising though.
While the rest of the officers sought cover, Charles fled the scene, leading to a police manhunt.
Despite a massive public outcry and a police manhunt, no arrests were made.
By 1983 he is Britain's most wanted man, and a massive police manhunt is under way to apprehend him.
The men get away unseen, but a police manhunt quickly begins.
He is now the focus of a massive police manhunt.
A police manhunt follows as the mutation flees, leaving dead bodies in its wake.
For more than two years, a stocky man in his late 20's or early 30's has eluded a police manhunt.
Their support helped him evade an extensive police manhunt for the better part of two decades, and 20,000 people showed up for his funeral.