Newly released police figures show that only 3,379 complaints were filed last year.
No police figures on casualties and arrests were immediately available.
According to police figures, 196 people died and 149 were wounded.
The study seems to indicate, he added, that "more police figures in the mix is a good thing."
Getting police figures on such matters is no snap.
However, the same police figures show that hate crimes against Jews have doubled over the last year.
Around 1,000 people turned up, according to police figures.
The casualty toll in the fighting so far is 92 people killed and more than 100 wounded, according to police figures.
The number of mass protests in China increased to 74,000 last year from 10,000 in 1994, according to police figures.
According to police figures, 3630 people died violent deaths in 2002.