When the police forcibly disbanded the club a year later, it had over a thousand members.
Seven people were arrested as 200 police in riot gear disbanded the crowd with pepper spray, rubber bullets, and concussion grenades.
By 1930, many Tolstoyans had to relocate to Siberia to avoid being liquidated as kulaks, but Stalinist police nevertheless arrested them, disbanded their settlements (such as the Life and Labor Commune which was converted into a state-owned collective farm in 1937) and sent them to labor camps between 1936 and 1939.
The police arrested dissidents, disbanded a public memorial service, and excised all mention of the anniversary from the media.
Although Zelenko abstained from active politics, police disbanded Settlement on May 1, 1908; Zelenko was jailed for a few months and had to flee to United States again.
Initially the police only made a loudspeaker announcement to stop throwing stones, but then disbanded the festival using tear gas and water cannons.
The police disbanded the task force today, but said that patrol units would continue to pay special attention to security at the schools.
The police and militia will disband.
There is no faster way to restore peace and democracy in Haiti than to send a message that the military and police must immediately disband and make themselves scarce.
After the events of the Zemla Intifada in 1970, when Spanish police forcibly disbanded the organization and "disappeared" its founder, Muhammad Bassiri, Sahrawi nationalism again swung towards militarism.