In the Tuscaloosa case, two defendants were lynched under circumstances that suggested police complicity.
Later that night, the media arrive at the mansion, with the journalist exposing Starkweather's snuff ring and police complicity.
Whatever police complicity exists may well be the work of right-wing rogue elements in the security forces.
He said he had brought instances of police complicity in the ongoing violence to the Government's attention, but without result.
There are continued allegations of police complicity in criminal activity.
Woods later wrote a book in 1978 entitled: Biko, exposing police complicity in his death.
The most startling evidence of police complicity has been in the transcripts of conversations picked up off the police radio band.
However, these were destroyed before being tested to establish them as human, leading to accusations of police complicity with the murder.
Allegations of police complicity have been angrily denied by Government officials, up to and including de Klerk, who said there was no evidence for such claims.
However, with various groups suggesting police complicity in township violence, many blacks will find little security in a larger police force.