After the explosion, the police battled the bombers for more than an hour.
The police caught one group crossing the border and battled with them for two hours last week, finally capturing 13 of them, he said.
Thousands of frightened people, many of them shoppers, ran for cover as the police and protesters battled in the main commercial district.
The police and demonstrators battled in nine German cities, from Leipzig to Stuttgart.
In each case, the police and the families are battling against time.
He was responsible for the Kwangju Massacre in May 1980 when police and soldiers battled armed protesters.
In November 1999 police battled with anti-globalisation protestors for control of Seattle.
Meanwhile, in clouds of tear gas, the police and guards battled Vietnamese at the camp.
Since Seard had arranged the law's campaigns, he could easily have been present when the police battled the crooks.
While police battled violent protesters outside, trade ministers failed to agree on much inside.