Haiti's police auxiliaries, known as attaches, have traditionally struck defenseless targets, opening fire on neighborhoods under the cover of night or killing unarmed civilians.
There is no evidence that POWs trained as police auxiliaries at Trawniki received such tattoos.
Within the territories seized from the Soviet Union, the Germans utilised local police auxiliaries much more freely.
The Mayor, Evans Paul, has been the target of repeated threats from police auxiliaries and others opposed to democracy.
The stations were occupied by armed police auxiliaries who until today prevented Information Ministry officials from taking control.
Today, the police auxiliary has become more than just a nighttime hobby for Mr. Strem.
Monthly wages for special constables, as the black police auxiliaries are called, start at more than $200 a month, plus field pay, food allowance and uniforms.
A woman cried softly in one corner, a female police auxiliary sitting stiffly beside her, embarrassed at this display of emotion in an official place.
Also present were a crowd of "attaches," as civilian police auxiliaries here are known.
Mostly, the only people at the precinct who can speak Creole or French are civilian members of the police auxiliary.