Evidence of its incisive character is furnished also by the polemical literature that grew out of it.
It has been widely regarded as a masterpiece of polemical literature, in which "Sarsi's" arguments are subjected to withering scorn.
(The library includes a huge collection of underground polemical literature as it flourished in England between 1529 and 1688).
(17) Jews and the failure of missions There had always been a polemical literature by Jews against Christians and by Christians against Jews.
These two crimes were frequently linked in the literature, both practical and polemical.
Many of their institutional objectives appealed to other secular governments, and the polemical literature of the time of Frederick II was merely temporarily shelved.
Contention between Catholic and Protestant matters gave rise to a substantial polemical literature, written both in Latin to appeal to international opinion among the educated, and in vernacular languages.
This aspect of the college was prompted by the 1609 foundation of Chelsea College in London, designed for the production of polemical Protestant literature.
According to the custom of the time, he held public disputations with them in the presence of the court; this probably led him to study the polemical literature of the Jews.
It also stimulated a debate between Sohm and leading theologians and religion scholars which lasted more than twenty years and stimulated a rich polemical literature.