In the center of the circle stood a tall pole.
It was a vineyard in which I found myself, the poles of the vines still standing, but the plants gone.
Jake moved into a vertical bore, through which a fireman's pole stood clear.
When all the other pieces were set up, the white and black poles stood to either side, just off the board, centered.
Not even the poles that had supported the targets still stood upright.
New flagpoles have since been installed, however as of December 2012, the original pole still stands.
The bare poles of an old sweat bath stood on the broad shelf above the canyon floor.
Two poles of creative thought - contrary but symbiotic - stood next to each other.
It was agreed that the new pole, a seventy foot fir from Hull, should stand on the site of the old one.
In front of them stood huge poles between which the giant butterfly nets had been stretched.