He pointed out the tall blue pole marking the bus stop.
"Keep to the shoulder until I can turn off, then get us under some cover, if I can . . ." He held the hover steady and swung it around in place, the headlights flashing off the dayglow orange diagonals on an upright pole marking a service road.
Thin wooden poles, marking the individual oyster beds, rise eerily from the calm water, and shimmering just below the surface are rows and rows of lime-coated breeding tiles and sacks of maturing oysters.
Several clockers said that this was a difficult route to time because of the positions of the poles marking the distance.
Sometimes the routes have no signs, only cairns ("Steinmandl", little stone man) or poles marking the way.
He held the hover steady and swung it around in place, the headlights flashing off the dayglow orange diagonals on an upright pole marking a service road.
A portion of the outer rail was moved back to widen the turn and to accommodate the starting gate, giving the horses a run of 120 feet rather than 60 feet to the pole marking the precise distance.
For now, the highest hill in Bedford remains just that, with two wooden poles marking the place in the red clay where the victory arch is to be placed.
Richard and Nicole walked beside the long edge of the array for several minutes, peering inside each individual tank and examining the thick cylindrical poles marking where adjacent tanks shared common sides.