Reviewers also criticized the game's restricted resolution choices; players could only choose from two options at polar ends of hardware requirements.
It turns out that a lot, but not all by any means, of such molecules have a hydrophilic polar end, and a hydrophobic end.
At polar ends of the men's-wear spectrum, Abboud, 38, and Karesh, 43, nevertheless share a similar take on style.
This polar end is usually made up of an ionic bond such as Na(+) to an O(-).
This arrangement allows the long-chain to attract non-polar molecules like oil, while the polar end attracts water.
For example, some synthetic detergents will have a polar end that is normally bonded to a Ca(2+).
As such the two-detergent molecules complexed through the ion no longer have a polar and non-polar end.
In my mind, Qari and Atiqullah personified polar ends of the Taliban.
The Dimensions are defined as single spatial pulls with two polar ends.
The two men represent the polar ends of Islam in Indonesia.