In the old romance the dragon, that devours people, often blasts others with a sort of poisonous breath.
The tree's poisonous breath would be a danger for civilians, but the strikers were equipped for it.
I was gasping and choking for air; my chest seemed swelling with the poisonous breath.
If it could only get its poisonous breath in line with the furious hunter.
Unfortunately, I caught a lungful of its poisonous breath.
I was half sick from the poisonous breath and I dared not look the beast in the eye.
In legend, they encountered a gigantic white serpent which killed some people with its poisonous breath.
He began to emit poisonous breath in his serpent form, blackening the face of the Sun.
Amaymon is said to have a deadly poisonous breath.
A worm's poisonous breath, its teeth dripping dust, had washed over him.