In amongst the protestors you have probably spotted people wearing a eerie mask with a thin moustache, a pointy beard and a sinister smirk.
The little face carved on die bowl had a pointy beard and squinchy little eyes.
"I'm Toulouse-Lautrec," she said through a pointy black beard and mustache as she headed for the cancan show.
Now 30, Zupan has a pointy reddish beard and elaborate, warriorlike tattoos snaking up his left calf and decorating his right shoulder.
The commander had him by the pointy beard in under a second.
He is slight with piercing blue eyes and a weird pointy beard.
Some have big noses, bulging eyes and pointy beards.
I noticed a table crowded with middle-aged people in a discussion led by a thin older man with a pointy gray beard.
He pulls that pointy beard, runs his fingers through the gray hairs, and strokes the pointy chin she cannot see.
When he has facial hair, he always has a pointy, usually slim mustache and a pointy beard.