He liked to tell her long, pointless stories about his hunting trips.
He next proceeded to bore me with a long pointless story about the Kilmorden.
He insisted on boring me with a long pointless story about a wager and a tin of films.
This will seem a lying story to some, a silly and pointless story to others.
Her father was just starting to tell one of his long, pointless stories when she went into the family room.
"And I don't think our guest would tell a pointless story."
Penn Jillette would come out between songs telling long intentionally pointless stories.
I'll see all these famous people who'll say: 'Oh, there's Johnny Brit with his pointless stories about not very much.
She found the whole story pointless; couldn't see the romance of it at all.
Andreina gets annoyed at the pointless story, despite its importance to Aldo all these years later.