I began to move, shift away from my pointless existence.
Now, after years of seemingly pointless existence, Darque finds himself with enough power to challenge the many new superhumans who intrude on his dark ruling.
It seems a rather pointless existence, since all knowledge is transitory and, as a consequence, meaningless.
This is yet another example of them justifying their expensive, pointless existence.
"It's time to go home--to dream of returning to school and ending this pointless existence."
I know that many of you lead a pointless existence.
Life promised nothing except a pointless existence punctuated by an early death.
Mira felt a kinship with Vale, with his timeless, pointless existence.
Only those penguins that stand on their eggs for weeks on end in the Antarctic seem to lead a more pointless existence.
The book begins at the end of space and time, when the last descendants of humanity face an infinite but pointless existence.