His announcement pointedly described that although SCORE was a peaceful mission, the U.S. now had the capability of delivering a nuclear weapon from space.
In fact, Akihito surprised some Japanese by pointedly describing his role as "joining together with you to preserve the Constitution of Japan."
Jack Quinn, the White House counsel, pointedly describes a recent Dole speech as "tired, old, worn-out rhetoric."
A Chinese official, confirming the visit, pointedly described it as private and mainly a chance for exiled Tibetan leaders to see the progress in their impoverished mountain homeland under Chinese rule.
Although Suchocka insists on the honorific "Ms.," she pointedly describes herself as "emancipated" rather than "liberated."
The day she left, Mrs. Clinton pointedly described this as an official trip and said she did not want it viewed in the context of a Senate race.
He pointedly described next Monday's session as a "quorum call" to receive the Senate version, not as a voting session, although the measure could be put to a vote at that time.
In a well-known passage, Petronius pointedly describes the difficulties of the historic theme.
But after a decade of sustained foreign investment, the State Department this month pointedly described a worsening in China's human rights situation.