After first fixing on me a broad stare of astonishment, she pointedly addressed her apologies for intruding on us to the Major alone.
THE third section offers an overview of recent work by black artists, some of whom pointedly address racial and political issues, occasionally with tongue in cheek.
It pointedly addressed social and sexual taboos and antigay bigotry.
Among Democratic candidates for President, Paul E. Tsongas has most pointedly addressed the question of whether the United States should take an overarching role in world security.
"It is good to hear you telling me all this," Mma Ramotswe said, pointedly addressing her remark to the girls.
Good, solid name," the woman said, her dark eyes now fixed on Trip's, although she was still pointedly addressing the centurion.
When he arrived, he pointedly addressed what he saw as the real problem in slide shows he presented to executives and employees: "We did it to ourselves."
"Here, children..." The teaching cyborg was pointedly not addressing him.
Senator Gordon H. Smith of Oregon, the bill's leading Republican backer, pointedly addressed conservative Christians.
But there is one thing we should learn from the debate, and I address this comment quite pointedly to the Group of the Party of European Socialists.