'Well, well,' he said as images of white pointed hoods and burning crosses violated his mind.
A crimson robe and a tall, pointed hood concealed the face and body of that figure, but not his identity.
Yet other tales describe kobolds appearing as herdsmen looking for work and little, wrinkled old men in pointed hoods.
A number are dressed in pointed hoods and carrying heavy platform with religious figures.
The hillsides filled with the faithful, their pointed hoods aimed heavenward, toward God.
This time, the Mayor's tactic is to grab the Klansmen by their pointed hoods.
The traditional man's outer garment is the djellaba, a one piece cotton or woolen cloak with a pointed hood.
The Archbishop wore black and gold and a pointed black hood.
Her own included a three-foot-long pointed hood.
All he could see was the top of her pointed hood.