In a pointed appeal to suburban women, Mr. Clinton cast gun control as a women's issue, saying, "Women who belong to both parties in America, all over this country, have been in the forefront of this fight.
Page A1 International A2-10 A top Iranian traveled to the Kremlin and was heartily welcomed by President Gorbachev, who made a pointed appeal to the speaker of the Iranian Parliament for closer relations.
Four years ago, when he ran for re-election, Mr. Clinton largely shied away from such pointed appeals to class and against the powerful when his advisers decided that the election should be fought on issues of values.
But, meeting with him in the Oval Office on Wednesday morning, the commissioners made a pointed appeal for him to give their study greater weight than his own, if only because it has the backing of both parties.
Merchandise as a premium does not have the universal appeal of money, but it may have a more pointed appeal than cash or a price reduction.
He also issued an unusually pointed appeal, as guest host on a black radio station to galvanize his base: 'There are a lot of folks who are not pleased that I am Mayor," he said.
Ms. Ferraro released a new rebuttal ad of her own, and in a news conference made pointed appeals to her core supporters, women and Italian-Americans, to reject the attacks.
Fortunately, Mr. Juster's editors had the good sense to enlist the illustrating talents of David Small, whose work gave his own delightful storybook, "Imogene's Antlers," such pointed appeal.
Other groups have made more pointed appeals.