Following that game he was the top scoring freshman in the country with a 17.3 point average through the first nine games.
Fahey likes her players, both in the classroom (a 3.36 team grade point average) and on the court.
He led the Magic with 18 points, far below his league-leading 30.9 point average coming into the game.
As a result Bryant's point averages more than doubled from 7.6 to 15.4 points per game.
During the 2005-2006 season, Griffin posted point averages of 17.6 points along with 5.3 rebounds per game.
Although there were only 25 countries voting in 1998 and 36 in 2004, the Greek point average is higher.
Morris finished the season with a 4 and a half point average.
His point average in 2006-07 dropped and the Clippers missed the playoffs.
Tidwell scored 441 points for a 19.2 point average during his senior year.
Some said they were intrigued by a seminar about the Holocaust, but the class was not academic enough to help their grade point averages.