He and Williams met for a handshake that turned into a hug and a few poignant words.
His best-known works are poignant words and phrases spelled out in the plastic letters of old signs.
The answer depends entirely on what these two powerful, poignant words really mean to us.
Farrelly's poignant words express the longing of an Irish emigrant for his native land.
Some of the most poignant words spoken at the memorial were, not surprisingly, Mr. Miller's own.
Her poignant words carried no further than Rugar and his guards.
Shirl was speaking softly in his ear, the words faint and poignant.
And then came probably the most poignant words I will ever hear: 'Louise will not grow old as we who are left grow old.
Dame Maugelin held her arms wide, and spoke a single poignant word: "How?"
Sum up in brilliant, poignant words what Chrysalis had meant to Jokertown.