Every now and then we get a poignant reminder of a road not taken.
It is too soon to know whether Saturday's performance was a turning point or a poignant reminder of a talent that will never be fulfilled.
A poignant reminder of a lovely girl who died too soon.
There were poignant reminders of those who used to support the home in years gone by.
To him they still were the most poignant reminders of the great past.
Somehow it was a poignant reminder that the eternal things do not change.
It was a poignant reminder of the inequality that persists here.
There was a poignant reminder this week of how fast and inexorable the change has been.
But never was the painting's poignant reminder more evident than on the evening of March 21st, 2010.
Clothes without an audience are poignant reminders of how little we ever wear only for ourselves.