Mr. Clinton's speech today was relentlessly focused on the strains of the middle class, but he closed with a poignant plea to remember the poor.
In a poignant plea for help, a fourth-grade student at a Harlem school wrote a classroom essay telling her teacher: "When I was 8 years old my father raped me."
The Czechoslovak government said it had been moved to pardon Oatis by a poignant plea from Oatis' wife, Laurabelle.
John often put poignant little pleas in his letters: 'I love you, I love you, please wait for me.'
March 26, 2007 To the Editor: Could there be a more poignant plea for a system of national health care to include long-term care?
During the conversation, Joyce voiced a poignant plea for her father.
But begging is not only a very poignant plea.
When Howard finished delivering a poignant plea for the preservation of the coast, the crowd came alive with questions and comments that had less to do with scientific matters, than practical ones.
It's a poignant plea.
But life wasn't just a crush of consumers, traffic jams and poignant pleas.