But yet those forward-facing eyes, set in a flat face, still held a poignant memory, or promise.
"That is absolutely and deeply connected to poignant memories of my formative years," he said.
The mention of familiar names filled Jondalar with poignant memories.
Intimate things I remember about those experiences: a dumping ground for poignant memories.
Yet after all their years together there were poignant memories.
Others are decayed and abandoned, poignant memories of better times in a troubled town.
But for now, I look out my back window and poignant memories rush my heart.
The most poignant memory, however, was yet to come.
Perhaps this was nothing more than a poignant memory, kept around to remind the Sartan of what had once been.
He suddenly had an especially poignant memory of a rainy day during his adolescence.