Wales football manager Gary Speed described his wife and children as the thing he "cherished the most" in a poignant interview given shortly before his death.
The documentary captured the students' experiences by including journal readings and poignant interviews.
Reviewers praised the documentary for its judicious use of archival footage and poignant interviews with Kwan.
The voices are distorted, but what comes through is a poignant, bawdy interview of sorts.
Still, the crux of this particular and oddly poignant interview would become evident with the flippant and pointed question, 'Are you making lots of money now?'
"If you asked me right now, I can't say that it's fake," a fan named Joe Joe Russello Sr. tells him in one of many oddly poignant interviews in the book.
In poignant interviews, South Vietnamese refugees who managed to get away sound bitter about the fate of their homeland.
The poignant interview in the Atlanta Journal and Constitution with the still-remorseful retired cab driver who ran her over, killing her, 42 years ago?
It was an assignment he hadn't enjoyed, for the sick always made him feel unhealthy, but at least his article, with its many poignant interviews from the patients, had helped cause a stay of execution for the hospital.
It also features poignant interviews with the daughters of two residents who met in the home, fell in love and maintained a loving sexual affair.