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A poignant image, and a very handsome cap.
I found this image no less poignant, compelling and worthy of my consideration.
So did the grotesquely exaggerated yet still poignant images of women that made up an outstanding series she showed at Metro in 2001.
The end result was a spectacular campaign, featuring poignant images of Australian children at exotic and famous locations.
It was a poignant image, a private one, and suddenly Kevla wanted to be alone.
One of the most poignant and beautiful images is that of Toussaint's birth, in 1743.
That poignant image is where most television news reports end.
Many of Riis's most famous and poignant images are here.
Perhaps the single most poignant image appeared in a brief aside.
Distributed free to newspapers across the country, her poignant images became icons of the era.