One is a smooth, poignant expression of summer flavors.
Just enough might be known about Horace Greeley to make his tentative, even poignant expression a surprise.
It is a poignant expression because John McCain doesn't have a house.
The poem ends with the nightingale's song, and a poignant expression of personal sorrow:
Like the Pyramids, these marvels of technological achievement become poignant expressions of the inevitable destruction caused by time.
The tragedy of missed opportunity, which characterized the Diefenbaker Years, found its most poignant expression in the man himself.
It was wonderful that there existed still that handsome face, the poignant expression, that tender and faintly imploring voice.
Mr. Urrey's has a folk quality, illuminatingly fitted for Schubert's intimate, poignant expressions.
With a poignant expression, the sorceress smoothed Abby's hair back from her forehead 'You don't understand.
It is a poignant expression of the inevitability of death and of the necessity of accepting it as such.