She said poetry had been evolving with the times, abandoning the formal tones that used to distinguish it and sounding these days more "more like and intimate letter."
From the late 1950s onwards, Subhash's poetry evolved into something more personal and introspective.
And the last view is that visual poetry has evolved into a visual form distinct from concrete poetry.
The new edition reveals plainly how, as her poetry steadily evolved, what was foursquare became lopsided, discrepant, asymmetric.
His poetry evolved from romanticism to a reflective direction and conceptual character.
Sound poetry evolved into visual poetry and concrete poetry, two forms based in visual arts issues although the sound images are always very compelling in them.
Chandler's poetry evolved from the post-beat generation through the underground scene.
Berk's poetry evolved from the approach of an epical socialist to the dreamy vision of a lyrical and erotic individual.
Encyclopedias were compiled, and poetry evolved a metric system and lines that rhymed.
Perpessicius' lyrical poetry slowly evolved toward "intimism", which implies a focus on the immediate aspects of urban life and ample references to the interior world.