The poetry, like the songs of System of a Down, consists of a reflection of societies and people's wrongs.
Swann's poetry consists largely of short, whimsical pieces evoking a naive innocence.
Hussain's poetry consists entirely of short poems known as Kafis.
Hanshan's poetry consists of Chinese verse, in 3, 5, or 7 character lines; never shorter than 4 lines, and never longer than 34 lines.
Greville's poetry consists of closet tragedies, sonnets, and poems on political and moral subjects.
Khushal's poetry consists of more than 45,000 poems.
His poetry consists mostly of panegyric and brilliant occasional verse distinguished for its elegance.
The poetry consists of a stream of consciousness which is just broken up into lines.
Her poetry consists of styles in Hispanic poetry from late neoclassicism through romanticism.
The manuscript's poetry consists of works by Henryson, Dunbar, Richard Holland and anonymous authors.