I personally commissioned the poetic translation from Ernest Bryll.
But even the most poetic translation probably could not make the world of "The Old Capital" seem anything but dauntingly, if alluringly, foreign.
An anthology of the 20th century Russian poetic translation.
There is also a poetic translation by Richard Bertschinger (2004) which is being updated on-line (2009- ).
Three early poetic translations from German brought him to notice.
On the other hand, a good poetic translation becomes in fact a new poem in the new language, with its own musical implications.
It is a poetic translation of Shi'i teachings into South Asian languages.
When Sveinbjörn died, he was working on a poetic translation of Homer's Iliad into Icelandic.
Even though it may not be easy reading, the most approximate poetic translation gives a more broad and universal meaning that this writing has tried to achieve.
I bowed my head and tuned it, as my old music master had taught me, running in my head the lines of a poetic translation.