This poem contains also lines of far greater poetic power than any to be found in the Culprit Fay.
The scope and sweep of the epic, and its sheer poetic power, give it a timeless appeal.
It is here, more than in any other building, that Wright's vision of the civilized workplace was given an expression of vivid, intensely poetic power.
But it is in languages that describe the effects rather than the cause that we begin to see real poetic power.
Gives a great idea of the phenomenal poetic power of Aeschylos.
Bacon, on the other hand, and nobody else, had this learning, and had, though he concealed them, the poetic powers of the unknown author.
"But it will also be read for its poetic power, its keen observation of a war-torn city, and its insight into the human heart."
And so they speak a language that can be far from every-day speech but that contains an enormous poetic power.
The album, while often sounding more joyful and melodic than previous work, still retains the intense, dark poetic power of the past.
Other influences on Lacan included poetry and the surrealist movement, including the poetic power of patients' experiences.