His poems embody the spirit of the different avant-garde poetic movements of Europe.
His poems, though lacking polish and elegance, are full of fire, spirit, and poetic movement.
The allure of the work rests primarily in poetic movement rather than in the slowly changing visual relationships between the parts.
In attendance were a large number of poets, writers and dignitaries interested in the poetic movement of various Arab countries.
The authors assumed the ridiculousness of the work would shine through, but it was actually accepted as a legitimate poetic movement for two years.
Probably the most significant poetic movement of the second half of the 19th century was French Symbolism.
After the war, a number of new poets and poetic movements emerged.
Its poetic first movement, he thinks, also has a headache and a hangover.
His unique poetry stands outside the traditional poetic movements searching for new ways in poetry.
At first the two did not even know the others' identity; later they met and became part of a poetic movement called the Della Cruscans.