A poetic history of Napoleon's career.
Lizzie Enfield looks at the poetic history of a book's first few words, which are so often secretly coded by their author.
At its best, though, it is remarkable and shines through this commonplace-book of sketches, reflections and bits of personal and poetic history.
In reference to this Poem I will here mention one of the most remarkable facts in my own poetic history and that of Mr. Coleridge.
There is much wealth in mathematical instruction or poetic history.
Movements and schools are arbitrary and immaterial things by which poetic history is told.
Since his views were impossible to disagree with, his forcefully expressed truisms enabled his installation as the central figure of Chinese poetic history.
His poetic history has not yet been written.
Others still draw on the poetic history of the province which transcend ethnic and religious boundaries.
In 1957, he published his poetry collection Canto de amor para la Patría novia, a poetic history of the Panamanian nation.