The weaver is thus an unspecified poetic device; the weaver's answer is, in fact, death itself.
Alliteration is used frequently, but not consistently throughout the poem, and there are a number of other sophisticated poetic devices.
Compared with poetic devices like metaphor, they are probably rather mundane.
Although never totally abandoning traditional poetic devices, she developed a more prosaic style in the latter decades of her work.
Tools to aid this process include poetic devices such as rhyme and alliteration.
First and most obvious is its use of repetition, perhaps the simplest poetic device.
What made Wulfstan's approach unique was his calculated use of poetic devices and rhetorical style.
This poetic device could become a setting for instant squalor, not to mention a source of leaks.
Bradley is right to think that hip-hop fans have learned to appreciate all sorts of seemingly obscure poetic devices, even if they can't name them.
Her style is described as unadorned by poetic devices, easy to understand, and with a simplicity of expression.