He has left some of the best poetic collections in Albanian language in the 19th century.
His poetic collection "Songs of Construction and Victory" became popular among the Armenian readers.
His first poetic collection, Ipsikaminos, was a heretic book, characterized by the lack of the punctuation and the peculiarity of the language.
He wrote his poetic collection: Rage and Ritual which won an award from the University of the Philippines.
A tall, bespectacled Sikh, he published at least 12 poetic collections involving Bhaiya.
About 20 poetic collections, issued in our country and abroad, belong to him.
He had written a poetic collection(anthology) which is present in the form of book Kulliyat-e-Saleh muhammad safoori.
He debuted in the Georgian press in 1936 and had his first poetic collection published in 1941.
She has recorded six music albums and two poetic collections.
He produced three poetic collections and a critical compendium of essays in the form of a book.