A large portion of the poem was composed at Varanasi, where the poet spent most of his later life.
The poet F. W. Harvey (1888-1957) spent the last part of his life in the village.
A popular poet called Dingo spent three minutes razzing President Bush.
In 2003 the couple returned to San Antonio, where the poet spent his final years.
Heydar Baba is the name of a mountain where the poet spent his childhood.
The poet spent three months interviewing visitors to the hills, transcribing their reflections into verse.
The poets spend the days offering insights into the roots and context of their work.
At the Ideal Sejour, the 73-year-old poet spent the mornings in his room on the third floor.
It is also where the poet spent his childhood, with his parents, Bhojadeva and Vamavati.
The poet also spent his last years in Myrhorod and is buried there.