The poet sought connection with divinity through appeal to nature and the emotional interplay of human drama.
In the first chapter, Petrarch states that philosophers, holy men and poets always sought for themselves solitude for contemplation.
Under the stress of their thoughts and feelings the poets of Israel sought to achieve merely the material, not the formal symmetry of corresponding lines.
The modern poet of the New World seeks illumination by objectifying the ordinary sensations of sight and sound.
It is with healthy doses of such medicine that the Romanian-born poet seeks to treat his adopted homeland.
This separation causes a combative relationship between the poet and the audience as the poet seeks to control his listener through a mesmerising technique.
Certainly no contemporary poet has taken his role more seriously, or sought more assiduously to define the area of his responsibility.
Instead, the poets seek Antaeus, who is not bound to the earth because he did not fight the gods.
These poets sought to combine a contemporary spoken idiom with inventive formal experiment.
- both poets seek to identify one sense experience with another.