In September or October 1854 the German poet and political activist Georg Herwegh introduced Wagner to the philosophy of Arthur Schopenhauer.
The king (Jeffrey Logan) and the poet introduce each daughter, whose solo sums up her essence.
At the same time Jónas and other romantic poets were introducing new continental verse forms into Icelandic literature and the popularity of the rímur started to decline.
Reportedly, poet and columnist Nico Scheepmaker introduced wider usage of the term in the late 1970s.
And then, as time went on, the poets themselves introduced the reign of vulgar and lawless innovation.
Later, poets like Cherusseri introduced poems on devotional themes.
The poet introduces the concepts of a heroic society through Scyld.
While praising Dog extravagantly for his good nature and helpfulness the poet introduces new insults which are far more offensive than the previous ones.
The noted poet and musician Rabindranath Tagore made him a guest in Calcutta and introduced him to Indian music.
Moore helped Bishop first publish some of her poems in an anthology called Trial Balances in which established poets introduced the work of unknown, younger poets.