"There is a specific point where the poet discusses fate," Mr. Agbariah said.
The poet praises her faithfulness to him so far and discusses marriage prospects for their daughter in southern Italy.
Yezzi produced the weekly reading series at which poets, playwrights, novelists, and non-fiction authors share and discuss their work.
This is insane . . . the old poet and I never discussed the possibility of a sandstorm here.
Writers Forum also ran a regular Saturday afternoon writers' workshop at which poets read and discussed each other's work.
In the afternoon, poets and promoters discussed esthetics and making a living.
An epilogue in which four poets discuss how the play should end is brought to a conclusion by a cat, in the form of a woman.
The prize-winning poet discusses writing, precious things lost and what inspired him to stay in rehab.
The poet discusses his latest collection, "Holding Company," with the writer Deborah Landau.
The two poets had, in reality, discussed but never undertaken this journey.