The poet even claimed to have had a vision of his late wife ordering him to marry the daughter by her first marriage.
Although poets have claimed that it is Jack Frost's doing, still the initial impetus is the shortening of the days in fall.
Sometimes the poets claim to have received a happy inspiration during a visit by one of these birds, carrying a message from Xi Wangmu.
The poets claimed hawthorn bloomed longer around Kincora than anywhere else in Ireland.
Often, the poet claims to have had a sexual relationship with the woman.
The poet claimed that Ogma was having an affair with one of Lugh's wives.
This discrepancy makes it difficult to isolate one specific poet to claim the title of Rival.
More practiced poets sometimes claim not to have this problem.
And a poet might claim they sing for joy or grief.
The lyricist of the song is disputed as many poets have claimed to have written this song.